


Corso di Laurea Magistrale in Viticoltura ed Enologia Sostenibile - Icona lingua inglese

English Only 

100% of lessons are held in English

Corso di Laurea Magistrale in Viticoltura ed Enologia Sostenibile al 100% in lingua inglese
Corso di Laurea Magistrale in Viticoltura ed Enologia Sostenibile - Icona Ambiente Multiculturale

Multicultural environment

The course is aimed at Italian and international students holding a three-year degree or equivalent international

Corso di Laurea Magistrale in Viticoltura ed Enologia Sostenibile - Icona Ambiente Multiculturale
Corso di Laurea Magistrale in Viticoltura ed Enologia Sostenibile - Icona Progetto di Ricerca

Experimental Thesis and Research Projects

Biodiversity, sustainability, soil health, integrated pest management, climate adaptation, mitigation and precision techniques are just some of the pillars on which our research projects are based. All our students will be given the opportunity to work on an experimental thesis project alongside our team of researchers directly in the field.

Please have an immediate look at our just updated thesis topics list (68 topics as of now!).

Corso di Laurea Magistrale in Viticoltura ed Enologia Sostenibile - Icona Ambiente Multiculturale

Work opportunities

During and after the course the students will have the opportunity to carry out an internship and will be put in contact with well respected companies. In detail, one of the elective courses given within the SVE program can be replaced by an internship (minimum 150 hours) by one of ours partner hosts.

Please see here current host list.


icona scambio bidirezionale AUSTRALIA WAITE CAMPUS ADELAIDE - MASTER SVE UNICATT 2022.2023

Bilateral Semester Exchange with the University of Adelaide, Waite Campus - Australia

Limited number of seats available for III and IV semester.

Please click here for more info

Starting with 2024-2025

École supérieure d'agricultures d'Angers

Starting with 2024-2025 intake, students will have a double option: stick with the regular SVE course entirely held in Italy or option the Double Degree path with the French partner ESA (École supérieure d’agricultures d’Angers).

Those flagging the DD option will follow the first year of SVE in Italy and then transfer to Angers (France) to spend the second year (semesters III and IV).

The program: 


FIRST YEAR (in Italy)
Course code Course title ECTS Semester
IHK250 Vineyard Variability: Traditional and Precision approaches (AGR/03) 7 I

Environment and biota

– Mod. Pathology (AGR/12: 6 cfu)

– Mod. Entomology (AGR/11: 4 cfu)

9 I
IIG910 Grape and Wine Biotechnology (AGR/07) 8 II
IIG911 (elective) Advances in Enology (ING-IND/25) 8 I

Disease and Pest Management

– Mod. Pathology (AGR/12: 6 cfu)

– Mod. Entomology (AGR/11: 4 cfu)

10 II
IIG914 Applied Grapevine Ecophysiology (AGR/03) 7 II
IHQ514 Automation and Robotics in Viticulture (AGR/10) 7 II
IIP561 Lingua inglese (English for scientists) (*) 2 I and II
IHF472 Seminars 1  
IHJ700 Soft skills 1  
74PC9 Seminar on Theological Issues 0 II
  Partial total 60  



SECOND YEAR (in France)
Course code Course title ECTS Semester
XXXXXX Territorial identity of terroir wines 7  
XXXXXX Applied research project 6  
XXXXXX Applied Wine Marketing 6  
XXXXXX WSET level 3 Award Wines 7  
XXXXXX Wine economics and business management 6  
  Thesis 28  
  Partial total 60  



Semester Exchange

Hochschule Geisenheim University (Geisenheim), Germany.


The course:

The wine sector is by definition “international”.

Italy, a world leader together with France, now exports more than 50% of the wine it produces. Therefore, interaction with stakeholders from all over the world has become a must.

Given the international approach of our course, the lessons are held entirely in English and, for each academic year, we will have the subject “Topics in Enology” to be given by an outstanding international invited lecturer.


Corso in Sustainable Viticulture and Enology UNICATT - Topics in Enology Kerry Wilkinson, Professoressa di Enologia presso l’Università di Adelaide, South Australia

For the forthcoming academic year (2024-2025) the course of Topics in Enology will be given, in presence, by Kerry Wilkinson, Professor of Oenology at the University of Adelaide, South Australia.

What makes the Course in Sustainable Viticulture and Enology truly competitive and formative is the complementation between classroom lessons and practical activities conducted outside.

Our course, in fact, benefits from excellent facilities, easily accessible from campus, such as an experimental cellar used for the training of students, where they have the opportunity to produce “their” wine, a new sensorial analysis laboratory and a small but precious experimental vineyard.

Students will also be given the opportunity to carry out an experimental degree thesis with direct participation in one of our currently active research projects. Click here to find an up-to-date list of topics (68 as a total!) available in 2024 and 2025 for your experimental thesis. Start to peer through!

Starting from 2024-2025 intake, SVE will offer a new and prestigious choice: a Double Degree (DD) program with ESA, Angers, France.

École supérieure d'agricultures d'Angers

First year in Italy, second year in France with transferable exams, thesis work and a paid internship! Please be advised that only 5 positions will be available first hand.

Key Facts

The course is aimed at Italian and international students in possession of a three-year degree or equivalent international qualification in Agriculture, Environmental Sciences and Forestry Sciences. Other types of Bachelor will not prevent admission and each case will be discussed with Stefano Poni, Coordinator of the Program.

Admission will take place in chronological order of registration for the interview with the Course Coordinator. For non-mother tongue students, a minimum level of B1 + English language certification is required.

Duration of the course

2 years



Places available

Maximum 20
five of which in DD

Possibility to work


Lessons delivery:

In presence
Video-recording of lectures will be available pending Rector’s and Faculty approval


Piacenza/Angers for DD


- Study plan -


  • Applied Statistics and Big Data Analytics
  • Vineyard Variability: Traditional and Precision approaches
  • Grape and Wine Biotechnology
  • Disease and Pest Management (Pathology)
  • Disease and Pest Management (Entomology)
  • Grapevine Varieties and Terroir
  • Advances in Enology


  • Topics in Wine Marketing

  • Automation and Robotics in Viticulture
  • Applied Grapevine Ecophysiology
  • Topics in Enology *
  • Wine Microbiology *
  • Soil Microbiology and Vine Nutrition

    * To be given by invited international lecturers.


– Wine Economics and Policy

– Management of Organic Viticulture

** ** Upon student’s request, one of the two elective courses can be replaced by a short internship (about 5 weeks, equivalent to 6 credits) at one of our Partners



- Study plan -


  • Applied Statistics and Big Data Analytics
  • Vineyard Variability: Traditional and Precision approaches
  • Grape and Wine Biotechnology
  • Disease and Pest Management (Pathology)
  • Disease and Pest Management (Entomology)
  • Grapevine Varieties and Terroir
  • Advances in Enology


  • Topics in Wine Marketing

  • Automation and Robotics in Viticulture
  • Applied Grapevine Ecophysiology
  • Topics in Enology *
  • Wine Microbiology *
  • Soil Microbiology and Vine Nutrition

    * To be given by invited international lecturers.


– Wine Economics and Policy

– Management of Organic Viticulture

** At the request of the student and compatibly with the thesis activity, one of the two free courses can be replaced by a short internship (about 5 weeks, equivalent to 6 credits) at one of our


Upon request, we can put our students in contact with structures chosen from our list of partners with the possibility of doing an internship during or immediately after the course of study.


Fill out the form to request information on courses, university fees, admission procedures and everything you are interested in knowing about our degree course.

Name and Surname(Required)